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sujet : Christmas Songs


icone posté le 18-11-2004 07:50:44  modifier Citer  supprimer  - ( envoyer un message privé à penang profil ) alert message

Sorry for using English - my French is as good as my Greek - I beg your forgiveness.

I am looking for old Christmas songs - any language - preferably those from the 1940s, 1950s, 1960s and the 1970s.

If anyone knows where I can download them, please tell me. I am from Malaysia, a place where Christians are a minute minority - and Christmas songs aren't popular at all. Even if I want to buy LEGAL COPIES of Christmas songs, the choice available in Malaysia is extremely limited.

Please help, and merci beaucoup !

moi j'aime les boxer
avatar de polgil

icone posté le 18-11-2004 11:50:40  modifier Citer supprimer - ( envoyer un message privé à polgil profil ) alert message

I propose to you this web site http://www.alltheweb.com/. Here you can made search whith, noel, xmas, christmas and so one and you found, some address were you have midi, mp3 or other type of files. Some are just part to try , but a large part are free entire file you will can downloaded. Please excuse my poor english  :jap: 

Travaillez avec la connerie humaine c'est une matière première inépuisable.

Ca change !
avatar de romanoB523

icone posté le 19-11-2004 21:20:32  modifier Citer supprimer - ( envoyer un message privé à romanoB523 site perso profil ) alert message

yes !!!  :sifflote:  but i have rien comprit !! :D  :sifflote: 

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