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sujet : Do you own an MP3 player?


icone posté le 08-03-2005 12:36:33  modifier Citer  supprimer  - ( envoyer un message privé à toonvveelen site perso profil ) alert message

Do you own an MP3 player?

We are part of a research team of the University of Amsterdam. We are looking for owners of MP3 players, or, as we call them, portable digital audio devices, such as the Apple iPod, the iPod Shuffle or the Creative Zen Touch. In our project “Digital Sounds” we want to find out how these players may change the way we listen to music.

If you are a user of such a player, we would highly appreciate your help by filling out our survey!

It will only take about 10 to 15 minutes to complete this questionnaire. Anyone owning an MP3 player is more than welcome to surf to:


Thank you very much for your co-operation!

Jeroen de Kloet
Toon van Veelen
University of Amsterdam
Department of Communication Science

For more information, please contact:

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